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He GAVE His only Son....

John 3:16. We are all pretty familiar with this verse. BUT, I would like to take a slightly different approach to looking at it for just a second that may hold even greater relevance to the things that are going on in the world today.....

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible, and for good reason. But let’s take a look at a part of the verse that may be overlooked.....

”For God so loved the world, that he GAVE.......”

Let us sit there for a minute. God didn’t OFFER. God didn’t PROMISE. God didn’t LEND. God GAVE His son. He GAVE is ONLY son. The one perfect thing that had never failed Him. God GAVE him to us. Willingly. Knowing that Jesus’s purpose on this earth was to be a testimony and a witness and to die on a cross to free us from all sin and give us a way and a path to eternal life.

As Christians we are called to be ”followers” of Christ. We are called to live as he did. We are called to use our testimony and abilities in a way that glorifies GOD....and that means to GIVE. We are called to GIVE our testimony. We are called to GIVE our love. We Are called to GIVE our time. We may be called to GIVE money if need be. We are called to GIVE our hearts so that others can see something in us that is special and different. Something that a follower of God has and they want and need.

Right now there are people out of work. There are people scared. There are people struggling to survive uncertainties unlike anything that our generation has ever seen before. The simple act of GIVING could mean more from us as Christians than ANYTHING ELSE. We should be Giving our testimony when appropriate. Giving a little extra tip to the take out server that is probably struggling more than ever before. Giving a hand with yard work or chores to the elderly who may be afraid or unable to come outside currently...

It is so easy to be the light when everything is great. NOW IS THE TIME TO BE THE LIGHT. Now is the time for us as Christians to GIVE ourselves just as God GAVE himself to us...Showing God through our actions could easily draw people closer to their chance of the everlasting life that God GAVE us all the opportunity to have....


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